Pacific Northwest DX Convention

2023 Convention Prizes

A convention such as this would not be possible without the generous donations of prizes from so many supporters.

The PNW DX Convention host clubs throughout the Pacific Northwest express our heartfelt thanks to all the vendors and individuals who contribute to the convention each year!

The following prizes were provided for the 2023 PNW DX Convention in New Westminster, BC.

Note: Click the respective logos and pictures below to go to the vendor’s web site.


Every registration for the Saturday program includes a ticket for the major door prize draw. You do not have to be in the room to win.

Icom Canada is providing our top door prize again this year — the IC-7300 HF+6M transceiver!

The IC-7300 features a real-time spectrum scope, with an RF Direct Sampling System to digitize RF before various receiver stages reducing inherent noise generated in the IF stages. It’s a great radio for new hams and long-time DXers alike — and it’ll be right at home on any ham radio desk!


The convention raffle has offers a variety of great prizes — tickets can be purchased on-site during the convention.

SteppIR Communication Systems has generously donated our top raffle prize — a complete CrankIR 80m-2m Vertical Antenna Package!

The CrankIR is a lightweight, high performance, extremely portable vertical antenna rated at 1500 watts key-down with fully manual operation (no electrical power or controller required). Its patented folded design allows for a 40% reduction in size with only a 0.3dB reduction in performance compared to a full length vertical.


This is a special drawing during the Sunday morning program. Your raffle tickets are eligible, but you must be in the room at the time of the draw to claim the Sunday prize.

The Sunday raffle prize drawing will be for a Yaesu FT-2980R 80W 2M FM mobile transceiver. This ruggedly built rig features adjustable power output of 5W, 10W, 30W or 80W, has 200 memory channels and a DTMF hand microphone,


Additional raffle prizes shown below will be drawn through the day on Saturday.

Staffed by DXers, for DXers. With a vast array of products to choose from, DX Engineering is a go-to source for parts and equipment vital to the pursuit of DX and contest improvement. This year, DX Engineering has donated two US$100 gift certificates as prizes!

We are very happy to be an ARRL sanctioned event, and they are supporting us with two essential reference books:

The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications
Each chapter is filled with the most up-to-date knowledge representative of the wide and ever-expanding range of interests among radio amateurs — from simple accessories and small power supplies to legal-limit amplifiers and high-gain antennas.

The ARRL Antenna Book
a single resource covering antenna theory, design and construction, and practical treatments and projects. This book contains everything you need to understand how radio signals propagate, how antennas work, and how to construct your own antenna system.

Mastrant specializes in guying and truss supports for antennas. They’ve generously provided the PNW DX Convention with gift certificates for their products — great prizes for anyone seeking optimized synthetic ropes, guying mast clamps, even climbing safety gear.

Craig “Buck”, K4IA, of Easy Way Ham Books has donated a selection of license and operating manuals as door prizes. Get your ham radio license, upgrade your license, or learn to work HF and DX ‘The Easy Way!’ with these popular study guides!

Orca President (and PNW DX Convention chair) Dave Johnson, VE7VR, has donated two Palomar baluns as prizes.

Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, has donated a special prize for the BC-hosted 2023 PNW DX Convention — a mounted, framed great circle map of the world centered on Vancouver, BC. Thank you Jim for such a thoughtful contribution!

QSL Concept has a good chance to make the perfect QSL card for you. Using thousands of stock photos, or even your own custom QSL card if you so desire. When looking through illustrations of some of their card designs, we notice quite a few familiar callsigns! QSL Concept is donating a set of 1000 cards for door prizes!

Bernie McClenny first started the Daily DX newsletter in 1997 and it’s a major resource of information for the DXer. Bernie is generously donating a subscription to the Daily DX and a subscription to the Weekly DX!

Our thanks to all the donors who have contributed prizes. They are an important part of each year’s PNW DX Convention — they’re a lot of fun and are most appreciated by everyone attending. Please support the businesses who so generously support the convention!

69th Annual
PNW DX Convention August 9, 2024 - August 11, 2024 at the Delta Hotel by Marriott, Everett Washington
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