Pacific Northwest DX Convention

2023 Convention Program

The 2023 convention team is assembling a schedule packed with informative, interesting and insightful presentations.

Our theme: To Boldly Go…

This year’s convention is dedicated to all those who risk their time, money and physical well-being to bring DX entities to our log books!

We look forward to a compelling inside-perspective from Bill Straw KO7SS, a member of this year’s challenging and adventurous 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition.

Other presenters we’re excited about:

N0AX Ward Silver
Ward is lead editor of the two primary amateur radio technical references — the ARRL Handbook and the ARRL Antenna Book. He is the author of all three ARRL licensing study guides and writes QST magazine articles, receiving the QST Cover Plaque for most popular article four times. He enjoys DXing, contesting, building antennas, and participating on his local emergency communications team. Ward is a founder of the World Radiosport Team Championships and President of the YASME Foundation’s Board of Directors.

  • Al Rovner K7AR and Bob Norin W7YAQ — highlights from this year’s YJ0A DXpedition to Vanuatu
  •  Neil King VA7DX — various DXpedition highlights
  • Keith Witney VE7KW — DXpedition antenna choices… some good some not so good
  • Adrian Stimpson VE7NZ — using software for HF Terrain Analysis and antenna positioning
  • Dave Johnson VE7VR — Botswana 50 years later A25VR
  • Lee Sawkins VE7CC — the amazingly flexible CC Cluster tool

Here’s an outline of the three days:

Friday, Aug. 11 — Day One

  • 2 p.m. — Registration begins in the lobby area
  • 3 to 5:30 p.m. — Welcome reception on second-floor sundeck (bring your free drink ticket — snacks provided)
  • 6 p.m. — Dinner on your own (many choices close by)
  • 8 to 11 p.m. — Hospitality Suite in Room 901 (hosted by BCDXC and Orca DXCC)

Saturday, Aug. 12 — Day Two

  • 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. — Convention check-in
  • 8:30 a.m. — Welcome and opening remarks
  • 8:45 a.m. — DXpedition highlights — Neil VA7DX
  • 9:45 a.m. — Cookie break
  • 10 a.m.DXpedition antennas — Keith VE7KW
  • 11 a.m. — A25VR — Botswana 50 years later — Dave VE7VR
  • 12 to 1:30 p.m. — Lunch on your own (many choices close by)
  • 1:30 p.m. — Is my QTH good for DXing? — Adrian VE7NZ
  • 2:30 p.m. — YASME Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow — Ward N0AX
  • 3:30 p.m. — 3Y0J, the Amazing Bouvet Island — Bill KO7SS
  • 5 p.m. — Free time until dinner reception
  • 6 p.m. — Cocktails (cash bar) second-floor sundeck
  • 7 p.m. — Buffet dinner (incl. great vegetarian options)
  • 8 pm. — Presentation: Artificial Intelligence “AI Apocalypse?” — Guy VA7GI
  • Later — Drawing for major raffle and door prizes
  • After — Hospitality Suite in Room 901 (hosted by BCDXC and Orca DXCC)

Sunday, Aug. 13 — Day Three

  • 8:30 a.m. — Buffet brunch in second-floor ballroom
  • 9 a.m. — YJ0A 2023 DXpedition to Vanuatu — Al K7AR and Bob W7YAQ
  • 10:30 a.m. — Closing remarks, Sunday prize draw, and hand-off for PNW DX Convention 2024
  • Later — Safe trip home
69th Annual
PNW DX Convention August 9, 2024 - August 11, 2024 at the Delta Hotel by Marriott, Everett Washington
Hosted by:

Jarvis Island DXPedition in the News

Things are moving towards Jarvis Island. Check out this article: